Wednesday, December 24, 2014

VIDEO: Care Group Formation

This is long overdue, but I'm home for the holidays and finally have enough internet to upload video!

This is from my Care Group Formation this past June. I wrote a blog about the actual event back in July, but who doesn't love videos? This also has the results achieved after the initial community follow-up.

It's in French because I made it for a presentation.. but I'll write the translation below:

"Care Group", it's what?

A "Care Group" is a community based strategy for improving coverage and behavior change.

It was developed by Dr. Pieter Ernst with World Relief Mozambique and has been used by several development organizations.

It puts accent on the formation of teams of volunteer women who represent, serve, and promote health within 8 to 10 households each time.

Each month, one female leader and one male leader from each neighborhood come to the local clinic for a training.

After the meeting, they are responsible for sharing the information with the men and model women in their neighborhood.

The model women will give this information to their 10 households. She will use a communication tool and a survey after each visit to evaluate the knowledge of the family.

Kémérida's Model:
Director of Project --> Male leaders (12)/ Female leaders (13) --> Men/ Model women (78) --> 10 households (780 Total)

Care Group Formation, Theme: HIV/AIDS

3 Days, June 12th-14th

103 Participants

Day 1: Clinic (Head Nurse + Birth Attendant) --> Male/Female Leaders

* --> = "sharing of information"

Project Description and Goals
Behavior Change
Good Communication (passed a drawing on with fingers in a line of 25 people, compared end result to original drawing, distortion used to represent that the more people involved in the transfer of information = the greater chance for error)
Role Play

Day 2: Clinic (Head Nurse + Birth Attendant) --> Male/Female Leaders --> Model Women

How To Do A Survey
Using Communication Tools

Day 3: Clinic (Head Nurse + Birth Attendant) --> Male/Female Leaders --> Model Women --> Households

Home Visits
Evaluations and Certificates

Collected from 10 of 13 neighborhoods
71 of 78 model women

739 Home Visits
717 were capable of naming the 3 modes of transmission
722 were capable of using the communication tool correctly
638 were capable of listing the services that are available for HIV

4745 people in total.

Ideally, it will have the same impact
each month
for each subject

Together, we can be the light of our community.


Rusted Root - Send Me on My Way
Song written by a participant that she taught everyone else!

Thanks for watching!

Hopefully this is the beginning of some long-overdue posting.

Happy Holidays,
